Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shamu Trainer

We are finally somewhat adjusting to preschool. Bella isn't excited to attend, but doesn't totally disagree with going. She is obsessed with making it clear that she wants to be a shamu trainer, and that is why she is attending preschool. She learned on our recent trip to San Diego, that you must get a good education to be a shamu trainer. Her days are currently spent "pretending" that she is a real shamu trainer, and she insists that she is NOT simply playing the part.

" I am a real trainer mommy. I am not pretending. When can I get in the water with the other trainers?" You know what?, I tell her, I believe that you are a real trainer. She says, " The other trainers can hold me up in the water, and help me swim with Shamu since I am small."

Go get um Belle....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Please tell me there are so many other mom's and dad's out there with photos just like this. Yesterday was Bella's first day of preschool. We had prepared her for months for it. She never wanted to go. She was scared of the kids she didn't know, just everything about it. She did great when we dropped her off, and picked her up. She seemed to have a new found confidence. When we went to leave, a little boy pushed her off of the platform she was standing on because apparently she was in his way. She cut her knees on the rocks below her. Being a mother of a child that never pushes, bites, kicks, whatever, this is very hard for me to understand. I know kids do these things, but it is just beyond my comprehension what to exactly to do about it. My child looked at me and said, "Why did he do that? Friends aren't supposed to do that!" Like I had lied all along to her as to how people treat each other. How do I explain, "Oh honey, he only appears to be about 2 1/2 years old, he doesn't know better, it's OK"

At least the mother was apologetic, and I had a friend say to me on the way out, "Oh, it won't be the last time." Really? Seriously? Lovely. Bella did not want to go back today, we fought all morning regarding the matter. When I left her, it was hard for me for some reason. I have cried two days in a row. Not because I have to leave her, god knows I have been waiting for this day. I am just not sure what it is. Maybe it is because I can no longer protect her, and be there to guide her every moment. Maybe it is because soon enough, she will be influenced by something much bigger than me, Her Peers. All I can hope for, is that when another kid gets knocked down by someone she will be the one there to pick that child up, and say, "Hey, sorry that happened to you. Wanna go play?"