Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Some of my favorite things...

Ella's cream puff Ivy's Magnolia
The Rowan Pant

For Christmas this year, I am working hard to give all the kids of my best friends clothing from Bellablu. They support my efforts year round, and always inspire me! Here is what I have come up with so far this year...


Unknown said...

I want them all!

Sara said...

What a marathon that was, making all those wee clothes! Now off to make something for Bella for the holidays! But where's the time! Hehehe...It was nice, it gave me inspiration for the shop when it reopens.

Jimin said...

your work is getting better everyday. i am very impressed. i am starting this weekend to make the xmas gift for friends and family. i think i need about 20 elves to help me.

Sara said...

Oh my gosh Jimin, I worked all week on these items, and really felt as if I did nothing else! I do need elves, if you have any extra, please send them my way!