So much going on here. From the Farm visit with Bella's preschool, the Shamu trainer costume that I have been working on, to my 30th suprise birthday party last weekend, to today's harvest festival with Bella's school.
Life is good, preschool is awesome, and Bella is loving life. What a lucky mommy I am.
Just picked up some new fabrics for the shop, can't wait to get started with will have to wait till next week I am afraid :(
Happy birthday Sara, it's the big one! I thought the baby pic was of Bella, but no it is you. Such a cute photo. Also glad Bella is enjoying preschool. Lucy has now officially started Kindergarten and loves it too, yay!
Oh, you had your 30th birthday!! Dear Sara, I wish you lots of happy birthdays and hope that you had a wonderful day with your loved ones - and got spoiled. :))
So many fine things in your life right now...aren't we lucky?
Take care,
Ulla :))
I hope you had a great birthday. It is a big one, some say. We are in the same boat and I am loving being 30. HAPPY HAPPY VERY LATE BIRTHDAY! :)
Thank you girls! Yes, so much to be thankful for, that is for sure.
:) xoxo
Happy birthday Sara! I thought that pic was of Bella at first too!
Love the photo of Bella with the horse. She seems destined to work with animals.
Happy Late Birthday. Enjoy. Life only gets better starting at this point. Wish I could be 30 again.
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