Thursday, July 10, 2008

In the land of make believe

For the first time ever today, Bella was performing "imaginative play" as I call it. She and I dressed up like " princesses, and took a self portrait. I simply love the bent Cinderella crown, don't you?


Naddie said...

You are both so cute!

Sara said...

Oh Andrea, wait till your gal is this age, so much fun....but so much personality too!!!!

Ms. Judy said...

I will be in Phoenix tomorrow at a work conference until Thursday. Wave if you see me driving by! :)

Laura said...

Audrey just started this, too! Last week, she introduced me to her imaginary friend, Lola. Lola goes with us everywhere. She even kept Audrey up the other night, and Audrey asked if she could sleep with us so she wouldn't bother her. It is fun isn't it?

Sara said...

Oh my gosh Laura, how cute is that? Bella has a teddy bear she named Ike. We have no idea where she got that name from. I think that is the cutest thing ever that Audrey has a friend named Lola, where did she get that name from? How curious! Not so cute when she is waking you up at night to tell you about it though!:)