Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lady Yang

What a wonderful Mothers Day it was, hope all of you enjoyed your day. Lots of great food, and family. My brother, chef by trade, whipped us all up something delightful!

On another marathon browsing session at the fabric store, Bella and I stumbled upon the most glorious fabrics. I could be heard by passing customers, "Oh Bella, you have to stop me! There are so many wonderful fabrics, and I don't need any more!" People probably thought I was nuts. I came across this: Lady Yang by Alexander Henry. I placed it back on the shelf several times before taking it to get cut. I had plans for it. With the finished product in front of me, I am not sure if it would look better in a halter style. Maybe some of you could help me out with your feedback! It is very bold, and the gold stars on the bloomers are a hoot! Surely to get noticed.

1 comment:

jnguyễn said...

Blogs are fun haha. Hope you guys had a great Mother's Day! Glad to see you having spontaneous fun with new fabrics.